Thursday, December 27, 2007

Epiphany! (but not really)

Wow...I just finished watching the mediocre Cleveland Cavs beat down the Dallas Mavericks in "Dallas!". The Dallas Mavericks are officially the New Sacramento Kings of early 00's, who were the Golden State Warriors of the Early 90's (aka runTMC) , who were the Portland Trailblazers of the late 80's..

Really good but unable to "get over the hump"....


A few carrots...

There's this Blog where a 29-year old woman is doing something everyday until she turns 30. Well I found this about a month ago and it's too late for me to do that for an entire year but luckily yesterday December 26th is exactly 6-months until I turn 30. I've decided to give it a go for 6-months. So the last few days I've been thinking about events and things I want to do in 2008 and I came up with 5 physical challenges I've wanted to do but never have.

New Thing #1:
Yesterday, I signed up for my first 10k run which happens to be at my favorite mt. biking spot, China camp.

karl's Event list for the first half of 08'
8-Mar China Camp 10k run (signed-up!)
6-Apr Marine headlands 1/2 marathon or 7 mile (signed-up!)
26-Apr Lemurian shasta classic 26 mile mtb race
???-May Hike to top of half dome16 mile
22-Jun Mt. Diablo Hill climb road bike ???mile


"I'm just a happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk"


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Maybe I'm easily amused...

Today I Put together my first Aquarium. Ok, this is truly my second, Sorry Woodstock, he was my first, a free goldfish from K-mart that lived about two weeks. This is my first full effort having an "Real" aquarium. I've always loved fish and being in the water. In 2001 I went and bought a few books after returning from a trip to maui. I was so amazed how fun it was snorkeling through the reefs and seeing all of these beautiful fish and how much fun it would be to look at them all the time. Well, after I read the books I realized how much is involved in keeping a saltwater fish aquarium that I decided to put it off for a while.

Well, last week I decided that there was no better time than now to attempt my first fish aquarium. My first stop was the pet store, needless to say that aquariums are cheap but the stands and everything are the real expensive. So I headed to craigslist. Luckily, I found a sweet lady in Danville that was upgrading her 55gallon aquarium to 200gallons. So I ended up saving around $200 buying a used aquarium instead of buying new. Whew! I just finished setting it up and it looks awesome, except there are no fish in it. With saltwater you have to wait a few weeks for the environment to grow. Now I'm looking at an empty aquarium dreaming of what fish I will stalk it with.

Patience is a virtue!


Monday, December 10, 2007

The big "O"!

A few weeks ago I was talking to someone about negative people and how much of a downer it is to be around someone who just complains all the time. Then a few days later I came upon this article on about the , "Venting diet", where you stop complaining and start doing something about it. I'm not one to jump on the latest Oprah bandwagon but I really enjoyed the article.

The question is, how do you get a chronic complainer to read this?

Article: Why you should stop complaining!

"shit or get off the pot!"
