Sunday, May 18, 2008

Maybe I should get this tattoo.

I go to Rasputin's today to get some "new to me" CD's and I found a handful of them: Against me "reinventing Axel Rose", Hot water music, Rancid B&C sides, and Pearl Jam "Vitology". When I was paying for the goods, the cash register Girl with all the piercings and tats was giving me a hard time about not owning the Against Me album since it was their first and it is just a totally Awesome Album. Then once she got to the Pearl Jam CD she kind of just shut up. I guess I'll never be cool enough to work at Rasputin's but I think it's mainly due to the lack of piercings and Trendy Tattoo's.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Only in Tracy. So upon making my exit from the Central Valley as I'm cruzing down Corral Hollow Road (made famous by the Bob Liebold Patterson Pass Road Race), I see this kid awkwardly riding a BMX bike with one hand. This kid was going to town on this Giant "tube Structure" in a Blue wrapper.

Me I was trying to guess what type of burrito it was, I was like I know the "Green" wrapper and the "Red" wrapper but "BLUE"? Which Burrito comes in Blue wrapper? (Random: is there a direct correlation between a Johnnie Walker colored label quality and a burrito with the same color of wrapper) oh ok, back to my meaningless story.

So as the light turns green and this kid is chomping down like he hasn't had a bite of food in weeks I get closer and peer over that the Kid is eating a giant tube of Cookie dough.

What's the weirdest thing you've seen some random person do on a bicycle?


**Yeah dumb story i know, but that's what happens when you play softball on Tuesday nights when you should be at the track representing FresnOakland!**

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Do you know the way to San Jose?

If you have 7 minutes to spare, introduce yourself to Larry Williams, He'll show you the way and then some...

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Girls Rock!

So today was my first official race day on the Track at Hellyer Park Velodrome. I have Three takeaways.

1. Girls Rock- The girls at the track are amazing. I think it's kind of cool that we all race together, and they totally kicked my ass!

2. Having Justin & Ryan there kept me in line. I have a bunch of shit to learn so it was a bonus to have them around helping me out a ton.

3. I'd prefer to wreck any day in a cross race than on the track.-The track is crazy and hopefully my first broken bone won't happen out there.
"Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is."
-H. Jackson Browne