Sunday, May 04, 2008

Girls Rock!

So today was my first official race day on the Track at Hellyer Park Velodrome. I have Three takeaways.

1. Girls Rock- The girls at the track are amazing. I think it's kind of cool that we all race together, and they totally kicked my ass!

2. Having Justin & Ryan there kept me in line. I have a bunch of shit to learn so it was a bonus to have them around helping me out a ton.

3. I'd prefer to wreck any day in a cross race than on the track.-The track is crazy and hopefully my first broken bone won't happen out there.
"Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is."
-H. Jackson Browne


beth bikes! said...

sweet racing with you!

the girl ass whooping usually only lasts one or two races, til you figure out what you are doing. (unless you are justin. he always loses to girls)

Zoobileezoo said...


I think the ass whooping might last a while. But I'm ok with it.


worldbtom said...

Justin loses to girls - and women - because he is so chivalrous. Just ask him, he'll tell ya.

Margin Walker said...

Should I chime in here?

I lose to girls and then they become women. It's all part of the cycle of life.