Saturday, April 12, 2008

Random pics from my phone from the last month

Tuesday night, Stage side to Bon Jovi! So much fun.
One of my first tapes I bought was "Slippery when Wet"
Since it was such short notice I didn't have time to get all big hair80's!

My Bro at the Speisekamer! after the China Camp 10k! Mmmm....German Beers.

the boneyard at all-u-can-eat Rib night #1. Han is the Rib champ with 15th. Caroline and I were well off the pace with 9. We agreed to only go once every 2 months.

The view from my chair, enjoying my post-surfing good feeling in Santa Cruz.

The beautiful view of SF from the Marin Headlands. I finished my first 1/2 marathon in 2hrs25minutes and it had 2000ft. of climbing in it.

Well... that's it for now.


Gabriela said...

and you have a hot he single?

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